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Devon Rex Care

Devon Rex History

The Devon Rex is a breed of intelligent, tall-eared, short-haired cat that emerged in England during the late 1950s. They are known for their slender bodies, wavy coat, and large ears. This breed of cat is capable of learning difficult tricks but can be hard to motivate.

The Devon Rex is a breed of cat with a curly, very soft short coat similar to that of the Cornish Rex. They are often thought of as one of the most hypoallergenic cats available because of their type of coat. However, they are technically not hypoallergenic.

The first Devon was discovered by Beryl Cox in Buckfastleigh, Devon, UK, in 1959. The breed was initially thought to be linked with the Cornish Rex; however, test mating proved otherwise.

Cats have three types of hair: guard hair, awn hair, and down hair. The Devon Rex's coat is unusual because there is little guard hair. (See Cornish Rex and Sphynx for more information on hair-deficient genetics in cats.)

The curl in Devon Rex fur is caused by a different mutation and gene than that of the Cornish Rex and German Rex, and breeding of a Devon with either of those cats results in cats without relaxed (curled) fur. Devons, which are medium-sized cats, are often called "pixie cats" because of their unique appearance.

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Hello, I'm Haim and I want to welcome you to my website. I am a breeder of the famous and very popular Devon Rex.


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Smokey is our male Devon Rex




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